Posts tagged ‘questions’

In A Moment….

In a moment choices are made, decisions are acted upon and lives are changed for better or worst. The fact of the matter is that in a moment things change. The question now is how does your reality embrace change?

Rarely do we intentionally understand the full impact of change in that moment of decision. We are simply faced with a decision and respond accordingly, whether emotionally or vindictively. But the consequences of these moments are rarely explored leaving one to ponder and often regret the chosen response or control posture.

Simply put… in a moment life can change!

So how do we reform the shattered puzzle that now represents our life? What space in our reality do we now choose as a stable table top to assemble these unconventional unevenly shaped pieces that once were the portrait of our existence? Furthermore, who is invited to partake of this assemble process without influencing a manipulated outcome?

Remember… just a moment ago, or so it may seem there was a choice made or an action taken that now presents the uncertainty of intentional consequences. Furthermore, in that moment we have changed, without consciously being aware of the change, we are not the same individual as before that moment. The sheer awareness that there was a moment is a definitive indication we’ve changed. The process of navigating through the emotional landmine or unloading the baggage of our guilt trip becomes a reality.

What ever the case may be, the certainty remains, we all have moments. Some big, some small, some provoked and some responsive. How we deal with these moments vary as well. The commonality in our moments lies in our choice to be better or bitter as a result.

Moments are unavoidable, but don’t have to be habitual. Choose your moment in the moment.

Real Men Cry!

Growing up in Kansas, the heart of the mid-west you are exposed to many things that often times are taken at face value. For example, that you are loved by your father whether it is verbally uttered or not. Another was the subject or adolescent debate of men crying or even showing their emotions.

I’ve learned, however, over the years that life will often answer the second question for you. I have been entrusted with life experiences which have allowed me to grow in self-awareness of my emotions. That being said, I have learned and also grown to appreciate the gift of crying. I want to emphasize the word gift because there was a period of twenty years that I wouldn’t give myself permission to cry. I felt during this dark period of my life that crying was an infinite sign of utter weakness and vulnerability. The never let em’ see you sweat mentality.

However, this was so far from the true reality of crying and the tears God himself had pre-ordained for the purpose of repentance, reflect and praise. As with anything in life, without a true understanding of something we tend to walk, talk and live at a level of intellectual ignorance.

That was me… walking around with my emotions all tightly bottled up and shaken like a closed bottle of carbonated beverage, ready to exploded. Furthermore, relinquishing my God given right to feel. That’s right to simply feel. Crying was never designed as a degrading mechanism to my masculinity, it was however a part of the emotional package that most men return to the sender without ever exploring its contents.

I have learned the value of crying when crying makes sense and has an intended purpose. Crying because of a lose, crying because of a gain, or crying just because it’s my right. However, public emotional outburst of uncontrolled tears are unnecessary when there is no context for them. For example, crying because someone expects me to show a particular expression to make them feel good, has no personal context for me. In order words, what benefit have I gained by the shedding of my tears beyond appeasing another’s ego? That being said, my tears are a necessary expression of my emotional journey and no one else.

I crying when necessary, and without permission or apology. I cry in the company of a loved one or trusted friend. I cry in the presence of my savior, Jesus Christ. My tears, may flow in the morning, at noon or while my head struggles to find rest late at night. The bottom line is… Real Men Cry!

The outward scares of flowing tears can not be traced on my face, because as quickly as they fall peace and joy wipe them away. There has never been a time in my life that God has not been aware of my tears. Tears, however is not the kingdom vehicle that moves God, but the faith behind the tears. Don’t get it twisted, I cry with an understanding that weeping may last for a season, but soon because I yet trust him, things are going to change or work in my favor.

You show me a man who doesn’t cry and I will show you a dead man walking. Dead to the emotional need of expression. Dead to the ability to feel on a emphatic or sympathetic level.

I cry because I can feel.

Just Suppose…He Really Meant That.

I would ask just for the next few moments that you would quiet your mind as you open your heart to hear this simple thought.  Just Suppose…He Really Meant That.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. (Matthew 6:33, NLT)

Just suppose…in the midst of the chaos of life we would really embrace the true reality of the above mentioned scripture.  Understanding it for more than just a nice to know scripture that makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside about what we could have.

Just Suppose…God really meant everything that scripture suggest.  And why do I imply that there’s a probability that he doesn’t.  Simply because our actions in response to the covenant we made in our relationship with him, says we don’t really believe he meant it.

Please listen to what I’m saying, God never expects us to live a perfect life, however he requires that we seek to be Holy and ever reaching for righteousness.  But we’ve settled for just salvation and renewed grace and mercy. But there is so much more that he desires for us.  But first things first!  We’ve allowed our passion for seeking out the heart of God to be reduced to a shout out to a God that we perceive as a Heavenly Sugar Daddy.

We want what we want and we do the minimum to get the minimum, and then wonder why we’re always in need of something.  This shared thought comes as a personal indictment to me and a transparent moment for you.

I don’t know where your relationship is with God, perhaps you;re able to sing “It Is Well With My Soul” every morning when the Sun shines on your face but that’s not my testimony.  And that motivates me to make a change.

Just Suppose… we approached the throne of grace for more than a gripe session and without a To-Do-List.  But just approach him because we cherish the access as Sons and Daughters we have been given.  And while in his most Holy presence we listen more than we speak.  Listening to the heart of God and embrace his desires not as a means to get what we want.  But to ensure that his glory is maximized through our surrendered obedience.

Just Suppose… we really believed that everything we need could be ours if we just put first things first.  Could you imagine no wants and a life without needs?  Just by earnestly seeking the heart of God.

Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.  (3 John 1:2, NASB) 

We have to get out of the mentality of cutting corners on God.  If he said “seek first” (and he did) then that’s what we have to do. First things first, It’s in the seeking that prepares you for the abundance of his blessing and favor on and through your life.  In seeking him your Yes’ become Yes’ and your No’s become No’s and maybe is never an option.

What I’m trying to say is we’ve read the scripture and we know the scripture…can we now start really living the scripture.  Just Suppose… your breakthrough was on the other side of your obedience.

We know God has said it…Just Suppose…He Really  Meant It!  

Your Move….

I Found It, In The Quiet…

I recently found myself in state of mental warfare. Constantly searching for answers to life’s problems, only finding more questions to deeper issues.
When faced with problems, often times our first course of action is to seek out solutions. But not just any solutions mind you. But rather solutions and/or answers that will create a level of comfort within our chaos. This is the mentality that feeds a deeper issue, but we’ll deal with that in a moment. But first lets talk about finding comfort in our chaos. If it sounds strange, maybe because it is.
To be comfortable within our chaos would suggest that on one or more levels there would have to be a compromise of personal desires in order to create this comfort zone. Let me explain…Romans 8:37 tells us…The one who loves us gives us an overwhelming victory in all these difficulties. So since this is true, why do we settle for comfort and not victory. Yes, Lifeshots (Trials & Tribulations) are gonna come, that’s just part of the maturing process. But that doesn’t mean that we have to settle for less than what is already ours…Victory!
But how do we get to that place of peace and victory in Christ Jesus, when our mind is continually reminding us of all the negativity that is a part of this reality we call life. How do I hear beyond what I am merely listening to? How do I sort through the chaos of sound to embrace the harmony of peace.
Shhhhh….I found it, in the quiet! Surrendering my mind to the serenity of peace. Not trying to make sense of the chaotic noise, but rather listening for the quiet voice of peace. Embracing the truth, while dismissing the tantrum of confusion.
Everything God has ever wanted me to know about him was learned in the quietness of my mind. What my mind can’t comprehend, my spirit will simply embrace…why? Because God’s word is sovereign. Reducing the opportunities for useless rambling and idle thoughts, I surrender my mind and open my heart to just say…Yes! Not, how, when and why…but just simply, Yes!
Now to take a moment to address the deeper issue, Pride! This enemy of God’s sovereign word, would have you doubt what you know to be true. It would have you embrace chaos to maintain a facade of Christianity, and forsake a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pride won’t allow you to surrender your mind, but will keep you in constant chaos so that you won’t be able to embrace the quiet. Furthermore, Pride will give you a false sense of security, in that you think you got it going on and no body can tell you nothin’!
Be warned: Proverbs 16:18 Pride precedes destruction; an arrogant spirit appears before a fall.
Surrender your all and embrace the silence of peace, and you too will say; I found it, in the quiet.

Justyn 1.26

It’s Not You…It’s Me.

We’ve often heard or perhaps have even said on occasion…“It’s not you…It’s me.” Often utilized as a statement projecting a sense of false humility, we say it without accountability. Throughout our lives we find ourselves faced with disappointment or even rejection.  It seems as though the harder we try to avoid it the greater probability that we will hit it head on.  But why? Standards and boundaries; no I’m not saying to live a life without these defensive measures, but simply understand their true intent.  Are we establishing standards and boundaries for a offensive or defensive posture.  Let me explain; when we have gone through a season of emotional trauma for what ever reason, the residue let behind twisted around what remains of our lives is HURT.  The question then becomes how do I deal with and process all this pain in a world where She, He or Them, hurt me.  The option of leaving the planet earth is off the table. David said it best, Psalm 55:12-14 For it is not an enemy who insults me— I could have handled that— nor is it someone who hates me and who now arises against me— I could have hidden myself from him— but it is you— a man whom I treated as my equal— my personal confidant, my close friend! We had good fellowship together; and we even walked together in the house of God!   So the reality remains of dealing with and around people who have done us wrong.  But now we know from our experience that they for all practical purposes can no longer be trusted.  But as much as we would like to, we can’t just drop them off the planet. This is where our boundaries come in, knowing what people are now capable of will motivate you to develop a system to protect yourself.  But is this system really keeping people at bay or you in a state of fearful captivity. But for just a moment let revisit this System of Survival called standards. Standards must operate as the fraternal twins of your existence. Both Morals and Ethics must work in concert without compromise.  If the harmonic symphony of your character is played daily in three-part melody (Mind, Body and Spirit) conducted by the Holy Spirit and measure in rhythm (Morals) and time (Ethics) for a consistent lifestyle.  There would be no need for boundaries, or would there? You may never admit this to yourself or anyone else, but because we have compromised our own standards and tried to appease the natives, we often find ourselves stuck.  When we expect more from a person than they are able or even willing to give, we’re stuck!  When we overlook bad or addictive habits for the sake of love, we’re stuck!  Don’t get me wrong, you can love a person through their hard times, but not out of their hard times.  Hard times are often a consequence of past compromise that resulted in a bad or ill-advised choice. No, the shame and guilt behind the hurts and disappointments of life are not your’s to carry, but we have a responsibility to ask ourselves what was my part in this hurt I feel.  And only you can answer that question. Stop surrendering under the umbrella of shame and guilt just because your expectations of She, He or Them fell short.  The reality is that your measure of expectation was based on a one-sided observation.  So get up, dust yourself off and embraced what you’ve learned. Realize that people are people and capable of disappointing and hurting other people.  And with this understanding, we can now say… It’s Not You…It’s Me who has taken the best the enemy has to give and I’m still here!  Willing to forgive and Ready to be forgiven, without compromise or conditions. I will exist in a place of peace, because It’s Not You …It’s Me who will praise God through my hurts and glorify him on the other side of my pain.  It’s Not You…It’s Me who makes the choices in my life based on the desires God has for my life. It’s Not You…It’s Me that will give myself permission to heal. Through tears or with a broken heart, you too must say…It’s Not You…It’s Me!  And trust God again….   craig 1.26  

Don’t Stop…Just know the Difference!


Sometimes the greatest tragedy in life can be simply living from another individuals point of view.  We all perhaps have heard a famous quote or maybe a certain bible verse and have embraced the perceived meaning of these statements for another’s point of view.

But the Bible warns of us all of such irresponsible behavior in 2 Timothy 2:15  Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. (ESV)

In layman’s terms; Read, know and understand for yourself.

I grew in a very rigid Pentecostal background, where what was said left no room for personal interpretation. You heard it, and you followed what you heard and that settled it.  But as with life, things change.  I had to learn how to question the biblical things that I had been taught.  Not doubting the true essence of the Word of God, but questioning the interpretation of what was being taught.  That being said, it bring me to my moment of clarity.

Praise and Worship and how they are different with unique prerequisites. First off, Praise is an outward response to an inward feeling or emotion. Whereas Worship is an outward expression to an inward relationship.


Praise does not require a relationship as a prerequisite , however worship mandates it.

Psalm 150:6 (ESV) Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!  

Everything regardless to religious, ethical, moral or even cultural beliefs has the responsibility by virtue of being created, to praise the Lord! Nature in her splendor, praises God her creator without regard to affirmation or prompting.

But we who are the greatest of God’s creations have to be motivated to praise God. Why?  Well that’s something we have to understand on an individual basis.  But whether or not you personally knowledge him as your God, you still have an obligation to praise him.


True Worship on the other hand…requires relationship.

John 4:24 (ESV) God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”  

In other words you must have a relationship with God in order to truly worship him. You must have an intimate awareness of who He is, not  based on someone else’s experiences, but who He is to you.

Worship, true worship brings credibility to your praise.

So what I’m trying to say is Don’t Stop…doing your Praise and Worship thang, just get a true understanding of What you’re doing, Why you’re doing it and Who you’re doing it for!

Say Less, Do More…

Craig 1.26

Craig 1.26

Could you ever imagine saying to God, that you have a better understanding of what your life is supposed to be and that you can do it more efficiently than he can. Probably not, Right?  

But in reality that is exactly what we are saying through our responses of disobedience. Most of us won’t admit it, but we just don’t get it.  God made (formed) you and I for a specific purpose… and nothing about our creation was an accident, NOTHING!  So why am I here again?

We were created to reach a person, solve a problem (not necessarily their problem) and be the change (not just make a change).  And we will never accomplish any of this as long as we willfully continue to step outside of the blueprint of God’s plan.

It may have taken me 46 years to get to this reality of thinking, but here it is; I only want to be the best Craig that Craig was meant to be! And nothing less.  Everything that is a part of you is for the purpose of you evolving into what God formed in the Garden.

The difference is that some of us will allow unrealized dreams, dormant giftings and untapped skill sets to be the catalyst to our failure. While on the other hand there are those that have grown to understand that they were created to engage, impact and improve. And embrace this revelation with every fiber of their being, living beyond merely existing.

What stops us from being?  Perhaps its fear of rejection, self-awareness or just complacency.  What ever the reason, it still adds up as an excuse.  God would never have created you without knowing both your strengths and weaknesses. So it’s a matter of trust. Trusting God to know the How, When and Why.

Have you ever asked yourself, if you truly reflect the real you that was formed in the Garden?  If not, then what part of the blueprint did you change?  And how have your personal modifications affected God’s original design?


It’s never to late to consult the Architect of your existence for a complete remodel in order to meet the original requirement, it just takes some trust.





And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Say Less, Do More,

Craig 1.26

You Gotta Start Somewhere…

Have you ever woke up and said…“That’s what I need to do”.  Well I had that very moment yesterday morning.  After reminding myself that there’s more to living than merely existing, I started putting my planning of transformation into action.

As I sat on the couch in my therapist office I began to share my greatest fear…existing to the point of neglecting others to live.  Sounds kinda iffy I know, let me explain.

Because of disappoints in my life, I found a mirage of refuge under the umbrella of shame and distrust.  This resulted in me emotionally detaching myself from anyone I perceived as a threat…which eventually became everyone. This in turn caused me to run from God’s purpose in me, that being to Love Everybody, not just the ones I deem worthy of it.  I didn’t die for humanity, his son did.  And my salvation was bought with the same blood that I now through my own selfishness was withholding through my arrogance of pride. Thus, removing the opportunity for those that I would come in contact with from knowing Jesus as their Lord and Savior which would allow them to live beyond existing.

Through disappointments I was able to effectively evaluate my life and its many influences and how they inhibit me from living to the fullest.  So I decided to make major changes. Changes to my existence that would release me to live. No, most of these changes wouldn’t be come easily and most at a high cost.  But definitely worth it!

First, starting with the way I perceive life itself…It ain’t about me. I’m not the center of my own universe and nobody owns me anything.  But everything is available for the opportunity to achieve and receive, but its gonna take work.

Secondly, God loaned not gave this body to me and I have been a neglectful tenant.  I’ve let myself go…not exercising, eating what and when I feel like it.  The result; gaining twenty-two pounds and rewarding my selfish behavior with High Blood Pressure.  Now I don’t know about you, but I would evict me from the property.  But God…

In this time of chaos, opportunity is knocking.  The opportunity to heal from the inside out. The opportunity to live life beyond the minimum point of existing.  I heard this knock before but didn’t answer because I was to comfortable with complacency.  And where has that gotta me?  Bad health with a bad attitude.  Real Talk y’all…

So yesterday I answered the knock, put into place accountability partners that will hold me to my word and destiny.  Healthy thinking, Healthy eating, and consistent exercise.

So what does this new me look like? I’m glad you asked…bonetempered-sm

Yeah, I may look beat up and worn, but I’m still here and perfect for…pottery

An Extreme Makeover of the God-Kind!

You Gotta Start Somewhere…why not in HIS hands!


I’m Coming Out Of The Closet…A Cry For Help!

A closet is often a small and predesignated enclosed space.
There are times when our greatest fears become our most dominate reality. And it’s at those times that we are faced with one our greatest battles and/or opportunities, to stay hidden or be exposed. Neither choice seems to bring a level of confidence, however both bring their own unique consequences.
It is at this defining moment, that we must choose whether or not to come out of the closet. The closet of self-pity, self-loathing and downward spiraling behavior. The closet of self-injustice cause by our willing decision to stay in a mentality of addiction, self-imposed depression and the unforgiveness of generational curses that we empower through our selfish actions.
The reality of our very existence awaits the surrendered declaration of our powerlessness over circumstances and embracing an All Powerful God for help.
Truth be told, that one time or another we all have been victims of a closet. Whether externally initiated or self-imposed, the fact remains that we have history with a closet. And our closet experiences have taught us that we have the right to choose if we will continue to surrender to the Closet or to Christ.
Both choices share the eternal element of trust. Will the closet be there if I need to return to its facade of safety and security or is God enough God to replace the longing need for my closet.
The past reminds you that you’re always one thought, one decision, one free will act from becoming a slave to the closet. But never forget that it only takes one faith decision surrendering everything to God, that will bring you out of the captivity of the closet.
What are some closets: Pride, Self-Righteousness, Unforgiveness, Hatred, Pornography, Promiscuity, Alcohol & Drug abuse. These are some that kept me captive. What your closet(s) is only you can confess and ignoring the reality of your captivity will never open the door to your freedom.

Your closet may appear neat and in order, but it lacks an affirmation for it existence… it serves no purpose!

You may feel so submerged that you have lost your sense of direction or relevance… over-whelmed by stuff!

You’re evaluating the need or significance of your closet… Why have I allowed my self to be held captive by this meaningless space? I’m reflecting, but not returning.
It’s a good day to come out of your closet and declare to the world I choose to be free. One day your closet of comfort will no longer accommodate you…then what?
I’m Coming Out OF The Closet!

Just On The Other Side Of Chaos…

Chaos is the confused unorganized state before the creation of something beautiful.

The are times within our lives when reality as we know it seems to have lost its mind.  That’s chaos…a state in which you know that you’re going somewhere, but can’t remember how you came to be where you now exist.  Furthermore you can’t seem to grasp the lesson to be learned or even the reason for the lesson in your present state.

Chaos doesn’t come by invitation or leave by dismissal. It is and then it isn’t, without reason or rhyme.  Understanding chaos is the key to surviving chaos.  First acknowledging that your situation or even perhaps your life in is in a state of chaos is the most crucial step.  Secondly, creating a battle plan that will invoke change through the process of chaos. Lastly, learn what needs to be learned.

There’s nothing worst than having to repeat a course of study simply because you failed or were unwilling to take notes.  Grab hold to the valuable experience engaged in the process of chaos.  Learn not to be so self-absorbed that you think it’s all about you.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  The reality of chaos is that, given the chance it will show you who and what you really trust.

In chaos the rubber meets the road, and your fears are exposed. Why?  Because there’s no sense of control in chaos.  Everything and everyone you thought that you should or could believed in now is suspect.  Your sense of normalcy is flipped upside down.

But there is the hope, Just On The Other Side Of Chaos.  And what lies on the other side is as unique as the person traveling this freeway of chaos.

Perhaps, for some there may be a vast out stretched road navigating the rolling hills of life through and endless expression of green tree lined fields. Or may simply be a long desolate stretch of road with no expression and only a guarantee of endless lonely travel.



Your Other Side depends on what you are willing to acknowledge and change.  This is why a battle plan is so important as you negotiate your time of chaos.  Knowing what you expect to see on the other side, releases a new reality.

Life at times will be chaotic, but it’s your choice what you enter into on the other side.

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.” 
― Friedrich Nietzsche