To look at this world from the lens of common reality would cause you to frame what you see in a seemingly neglectful state, like that of property in the hands of a neglectful landlord. After all…. “God is in control”!

We often say God is in control to relinquish our own responsibility to what is going on around us, when in fact the word of God says the opposite. In the Message Bible, Psalm 115:15-16

May you be blessed by God,
    by God, who made heaven and earth.
The heaven of heavens is for God,
    but he put us in charge of the earth.

Notice what it states here, the heavens and the earth were made by God, and he maintains charge (oversees the daily operations of) of the heavens…but it goes on to state that he (GOD) put (gave) us (mankind) in charge (overseers of daily operations) of the Earth. This further stated in Genesis 1: 26-31, mankind was to Prosper! Reproduce! Fill the Earth! Take charge (have dominion) of the earth. In other words, take control and maintain order on this blue and green ball of endless possibilities.

So with that being said, why do we continue to blame God or even expect God to fix what we were responsible to prevent. This doesn’t make common sense, but yet and still we continue to expect God to repair a system which was perfect in its initial conception. However, he has given us access to his divine intervention through prayer. Through prayer we invite heaven’s power and providence onto the earth. Through the prayer(s) of mankind God will intervene on behalf of the seeker to bring correction, healing, restoration, and even judgement.

However, it still doesn’t relinquish mankind of its responsibility to creation. Because we were given dominion over the earth, all intervention must start with mankind. Someone, must be willing to stand in the gap. Seeing the need and being willing to submit their will and way to the plan of God and reconcile their emotions concerning whatever the situation may be or whoever the outcome will affect. This is the landlord being a good and responsible steward of the property (earth) for which he was given.

The neglect of mankind can be seen everywhere you look, from the household to the church. We have dropped the ball, but that’s not the end of the story. Today, the true revelation of God’s word is being taught in such a way that personal responsibility to the mantle of dominion is once again being shouldered by the believer.

In this seemingly chaotic time, God is moving through those willing to upset the status-quo. Church as usual is quickly becoming a expectation of the past. On-line and e-Church service is a reality. How will we reach the masses yet to hear the name of Jesus and embrace his saving grace? By any means necessary. Thoughtful landlords do whatever is needed whenever it’s needed. Opportunity is the present of chaos. 2020 has given all of us a unique opportunity beyond the chaos, what will you do with it?

Neglectful Landlords?!